Other Ways to Give
- Offering plate – Place your checks/cash in the offering on Sundays. Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check.
- Mail your check (please don’t send cash) to the church office at
First Presbyterian Church of Arlington
1200 S. Collins St.
Arlington, TX 76010 - Online giving via electronic check or credit card through our website
- Bank automated bill paying through your own bank. Just set up FPCA to receive your electronically generated donations.
- Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT) using the EFT Direct Withdrawal Authorization form. Return the signed form and a voided check to our address above.
- Stock or Mutual Funds – You can donate appreciated securities – stock, mutual funds, bonds, etc. You should check with a tax professional before initiating any transfer of securities. If you would like to donate securities, you can initiate the transfer through your broker. Please contact Jeanne Chin: 817-274-8286 or Jeanne@firstprestexas.org for broker transfer instructions. if you are considering this kind of gift, be sure to let us know so that we can apply this properly and in a timely manner.
- Donor Advised Funds – You can make a gift to FPCA via a Donor Advised Fund, such as Fidelity Charitable Giving. Please keep in mind that your tax receipt will be issued by the Fund, not by FPCA.
Note: You can also set up Recurring Gifts which gives you an easier way to be systematic in your giving. Recurring Gifts can be set up using:
- Online giving
- Bank automated bill paying
- Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)