About FPCA
First Presbyterian Church in Arlington, Texas, is a community of committed Christians who are following Jesus and transforming life. We have been engaged in mission and ministry, sharing the heart of Christ with the heart of the city of Arlington, since 1888. The church was founded with 25 men and women who wanted to extend God’s kingdom by sharing the good news of Jesus in word and deed. And we have been doing so ever since. We welcome seekers, inquirers, and new believers of all ages and stages in life.
We are centrally located at 1200 S. Collins. We meet in the sanctuary for creative, authentic, traditional worship at 11:00 AM every Sunday. We engage all ages in our Discipleship/Sunday School hour at 9:45 AM, and have excellent adult learning opportunities. Classes and gatherings for children, youth, young adults, young families, adults and seniors are all a part of the ministry we offer. If you are looking for a warm church family to connect with, and a fun, learning context to grow in, then we hope you will give us a try!